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Thank you for visiting Owl Counseling Services, PLLC! I know that you have many options out there for your mental health needs. Thank you for visiting my website! You may have questions or hesitations regarding therapy and that is okay! I believe everyone should be in therapy as you get someone that will help you walk through your journey without judgement. A misconception about therapy is that the therapist will tell you what to do. It is my firm belief that clients have an innate ability to take their session where they need to go at that time. I am here to listen, bounce ideas off of, and be able to process feelings or thoughts that you may not feel comfortable doing elsewhere. As some have told me that I am a translator for their thoughts to where what is jumbled becomes clear. Sometimes I do need to redirect those jumbled thoughts to help clients work on their own set goals. As your therapist I will be on your team to help you work through whatever it is you need.

Thank you for visiting Owl Counseling Services, PLLC! I know that you have many options out there for your mental health needs. Thank you for visiting my website! You may have questions or hesitations regarding therapy and that is okay! I believe everyone should be in therapy as you get someone that will help you walk through your journey without judgement. A misconception about therapy is that the therapist will tell you what to do. It is my firm belief that clients have an innate ability to take their session where they need to go at that time. I am here to listen, bounce ideas off of, and be able to process feelings or thoughts that you may not feel comfortable doing elsewhere. As some have told me that I am a translator for their thoughts to where what is jumbled becomes clear. Sometimes I do need to redirect those jumbled thoughts to help clients work on their own set goals. As your therapist, I will be on your team to help you work through whatever it is you need.


Individual Therapy
Child Counseling

Individual therapy services for children, adolescents, and adults who are needing support and encouragement to improve their lives.

Other Services

Play therapy services and activity therapy for children ages 3 to 11. Theraplay services are available as requested.

Parenting (CPRT) and family

Call Us:


2231 Sam Rayburn Hwy

Suite 200

Melissa, TX 75454

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